Thursday, September 10, 2009


esa falta. A Pro ten unha 1.340 mAh LiIon, mentres o diamante só ten un 900mAh un. Chamando funciona ben e vídeos sen problemas. Así, ademais da Pro ser un pouco máis groso, el sempre parece ser unha opción mellor sobre o Diamond.

A versión desbloqueada do Pro é exageradamente caro, mentres que a versión da Sprint é comparativamente moito máis barato en US $ 330 para un peche de dous anos no período. Polo tanto, se queres un móbil que non só ha facer Xire cabeza, pero tamén han entregar un bo desempeño, o HTC Touch Pro pode ser o único para you.The HTC Magic anunciouse oficialmente en febreiro de 2009 só o HTC Dream e liberado e chegou a disposición do público 3 meses máis tarde maio 2009.This é un dos máis recentes e ata PocketPCs data están dispoñibles agora. Isto non é para persoas esixente, porque só veñen
cunha cor (a maioría), e é branco liso.

É só 11,7 centímetros por 5,5 centímetros e 1,37 cm de espesor, comparado con PocketPCs outros dispoñibles no mercado, o HTC Dream é un pouco groso, pero aínda non é tan grande e pode caber facilmente no seu peto, o só para abaixo lateral deste é que, aínda que sexa moi groso, non ten un teclado QWERTY, pero só soporta recoñecemento de escritura manual en pantalla. É só 118.5g de pesar que é un estándar mínimo a pesar PocketPCs hoxe.

Ven cun 3.2inch, QVGA (320x480 resolución) TFT touch screen, mostrando ata 65 mil cores (por defecto para teléfonos móbiles de hoxe) e no seu fácil de manexar e operar sistema operativo, certamente pode gozar o frescor da pantalla de chamada.

The Magic HTC soporta todos os tipos de formatos de audio estándar, tales como Preme polifónicos, mp3, Preme wav e todos os outros formatos máis comúns, en seguida, outros móbiles comerciais, que normalmente só apoiar pequenos toques de calidade e baixo, que lle vai dar unha mellor experiencia de reprodución mentres escoita música ou alguén te chama. Así como todos os outros teléfonos comerciais que vibra así que non terá ningún problema coas chamadas perdidas, porque non vai perder un.

Foi construído con recursos de memoria e microSD. Ese tendas diferentes estatísticas sobre as chamadas que ten que recibir, perdidas e de saída. Ten unha ROM interna de 512MB e 192Mb de RAM interna, tes a posibilidade de engadir unha tarxeta microSD no slot para aumentar o seu tamaño de almacenamento.

Por suposto que esta non pode perder a conexión a internet e este ser un home de negocios de teléfono que non pode faltar esa funcionalidade, este bebé ven con unha conexión GPRS Clase 10, WIFI b / g de soporte e EDGE clase 10, que pode obter unha conexión 236.8kbps.

El vén con soporte de Bluetooth v2.0 e incluso soporte A2DP (Advanced Audio Distribution Profile) para soporte auricular. Este teléfono ven co código aberto, totalmente novo sistema operativo Android, que funciona perfectamente no msm Qualcomm 528MHz CPU que vén con ese teléfono.

Este teléfono ten unha cámara de 3,15 MP, así como o HTC Dream / TMobile G1. Ela pode sacar fotos en alta resolución.


Le Pro est facteur de forme du curseur et vous pouvez glisser un clavier belle 5 row QWERTY complet avec une ligne dédiée aux chiffres. Oui, TouchFLO vous permet de taper sur le clavier virtuel, mais vous apprécierez le slideout meilleure. Si vous faites beaucoup de frappe clavier, vous pourrez profiter de cette fonctionnalité sur la Diamond.All d'entre eux sont Windows Mobile 6 Standard et préinstallées auprès du fabricant. En outre, il ya littéralement des centaines d'applications de tiercepartie freeware disponible pour télécharger sur cet appareil.

Le S720 abrite également une externe extensible emplacement pour carte Micro SD d'une capacité de 8 Go de courir. Les fichiers stockés sur une carte SD peuvent être lues via le lecteur Windows Media dans des formats de fichier WMV, JPEG, MP4 et MP3. D'autres formats de fichiers peuvent être lus sur le S720 simplement en téléchargeant et en installant un média du tiersparti joueur comme le lecteur TCPMP Core.

Le disque dur interne de leur capacité mémoire est de 52 Mo, la capacité mémoire du programme est de 48 MB. Il dispose d'un processeur 400 MHz et 64 Mo de RAM. Ces spécifications de fonctionnement sont loin d'être spectaculaires, mais elles sont plus que suffisantes pour le fonctionnement et la pleine utilisation de cet appareil. Disque dur de capacité de stockage peut être considérablement augmenté avec l'adaptation d'un 1, 2 ou 8 GB micro SD card qui tient facilement plus de programmes, photos, vidéos, etc, de manière réaliste que vous avez besoin pour une utilisation sur ce type de device.The exceptionnelles, des fonctions internes et les capacités combinées aux résultats esthétiquement agréable qualités extérieures dans un élégant appareil, très fiable et hautement technologique des communications personnelles. Le HTC S720 est une espèce de miniordinateur avec des fonctionnalités des téléphones cellulaires. Il s'agit d'un
truetoexemple de la vie de l'état de la communication les plus modernes technology.Now voyons ce que l'étonnant TouchFLO 3D technologie peut faire. Cette interface est très agréable et très réactive. Presque tout de l'affichage de l'heure à vos messages email est animé. L'écran d'accueil est assez impressionnant, et le temps de passage est indiqué par des numéros d'animation
que replient pour afficher des nombres consécutifs. Vous pouvez visualiser votre historique d'appels, appels manqués, des rappels et des rendezvous sur l'écran d'accueil. Sortez le clavier et vous pourrez voir des raccourcis pour les 9,5 navigateur Opera, le courriel, signets, contacts, SMS et notes nettement affiché à l'écran. Vous pouvez appuyer sur l'icône du navigateur pour commencer la navigation. La navigation dans les pages peuvent être facilement fait en panoramique et de zoom avec les doigts. Inclinez le téléphone sur le côté, et l'affichage en mode paysage.

Les messages texte dans vos emails sont animées et vous pouvez répondre à des messages simplement en tapant sur eux. Vous pouvez utiliser Office Mobile traitement de texte et logiciel de présentation pour vos besoins de bureau, et zip même vos documents et les attacher à des emails. Utilisez votre doigt pour parcourir les fichiers de musique par artiste, album ou genre, et d'écouter votre musique préférée. Vous pouvez même regarder les vidéos sur YouTube ou recevoir des flux RSS, prendre des photos avec l'appareil photo 3,2 mégapixel intégré ou écouter la radio FM. Vous pouvez ajouter des photos de vos amis à votre liste de contacts et à feuilles mobiles à travers leurs photos ou tapez sur leur appel.

The Diamond et le Pro

Travaillons à une brève comparaison entre le pour et le diamant, car cette comparaison est inévitable. Looks sages, tant sont grands, mais question performances, le Pro gagne. Probablement la RAM 288MB a aidé les Pro dans sa performance par rapport aux 192 Mo du Diamant. En ce qui concerne le stockage interne est concerné, la Pro dispose d'une capacité de 512 Mo par rapport à la Diamond's énorme de 4Go. La carte microSD, qui est manquante dans le diamant, peuvent pallier cette pénurie. Le Pro dispose d'un 1340 mAh LiIon battery, tandis que le diamant a juste un 900mAh un. Calling fonctionne bien et les vidéos sur le bon déroulement. Mis à part le Proêtre un peu plus épais, il semble bien être un meilleur choix sur le Diamond.

Saturday, September 5, 2009


The Game uppgerð hefst með lista yfir flug og dæla sem virkar orðið frá áramótum 1942 til loka stríðsins. Árásirnar voru aðallega á stíflunni, en þeir nota sömu aðferðum á ýmsum öðrum tegundum markmiða. Í aðferðum var tilraun óhefðbundnum lágt í framkvæmd af 60 fet, með the leita ljósin á flugvél svo að Artillery gætu séð um miða. Þeir nota mismunandi sprengjur, sem var mikill bolti í skel traustir málmi að fara í vatn eftir að hann féll og við vonumst til að ná veldi hindrun er ekki brún í ánni er.

The Game og margar af þessum stíflum brjóstmynd verkefnum í tengslum við önnur verkefni sem konunglega flughersins 617 yfirstjórn verkefna. Upplýsingar um leiki eru þau sömu og Combat Flight Simulation 2 kröfur, eins og The Game Microsoft er forsenda fyrir að spila The Dam Busters. Þú getur einnig notað Microsoft Flight Simulator 2000 eða 2002, eins og The Game er spilað með þetta. The Game er óákveðinn greinir í ensku bæta við-á svo það geti ekki spilað einn, þurfa þessir þrír leikur til að spila.

HTC Hero

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xogo, e indicou que a aceptación das mulleres no campo está crecendo lentamente, como evidenciado polo feito de que tantos grupos e organizacións sobre o tema foron xurdindo.

Artemis Software é un equipo de desenvolvemento predominantemente feminino. O seu razoamento para fundar un equipo como a maioría mulleres, nunha entrevista con, dixo: "O equipo de Artemis foi fundada polos xogadores do sexo feminino e desenvolvedores coa idea de que" podemos facelo! " - Como unha experiencia de capacitación a mulleres da comunidade de xogos, e para a comunidade do xogo como un todo. "Xunto co desenvolvemento das súas mod Quake, eles tamén teñen traballado en varias películas, gañando premios na páxina web do FilePlanet.

Die Zukunft

Game Development é un campo que aínda está un pouco na infancia, e está lentamente evolucionou ao longo destes últimos anos, abordando unha variedade de cuestións de cultura, raza, xénero, e outros temas.

HTC Hero

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Friday, September 4, 2009


málo energie baterie. Jedna věc, že první generace Alias byl známý pro jeho velké množství softwarových problémů. Zpočátku telefon problém, protože je neustále zmrazování nahoru. A to bylo jen několik telefonů. To se děje ve většině z první generace je Alias. V Alias2 nemají tento problém. Podrobit se zaznamenalo několik členů Alias2, ale většina svědčící o opaku. Většina našich lidí je druhá-generace Alias říci, že problém je vyřešen. Dalším problémem je, že první generace Alias bylo, že by se náhodně vypne. Většina z druhé generace, řekl, že tento problém je vyřešen také.
Existuje jedna věc, která byla považována za nevýhodu pro Alias2. Mnoho lidí se hlásilo těsto život je hrozný na tomto telefonu. Většina zprávu, která vyhovuje jejich telefony každou noc, protože poplatky umírají tak rychle. Ale zdá se, jen záležitostí Samsung Alias2.All všech Alias 2 se zdá být velký telefon. Klávesnice je snadno ovladatelný, zejména s novým elektronickým inkoustem technologie. A všechny ostatní funkce, jako je fotoaparát a veškerou práci stejně velké. Já osobně Alias2 Samsung bude poskytovat celkové hodnocení 8 z 10. Důvodem, proč tento telefon může činit až 8, je to jednoduše proto, že baterie problém. V výdrž baterie telefonu je nesmírně důležitá. Je-li baterie je skutečně umírá tak rychle, jak lidé říkají ano, mohu

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muncul di layar besar, dan satu lagi di kecil satu (yang tampaknya hampir cukup besar untuk televisi sendiri) bisa menjadi peserta olahraga fantasi mimpi. Jika anda tidak suka atau perasaan suhu warna pada tingkat praset, mereka mudah menyesuaikan diri dan pindah ke apa yang pernah merasa nyaman, dan mereka selalu dapat kembali diatur jika Anda inginkan. Ini mencakup kemampuan untuk mengubah nada daging serta meningkatkan tepi gambar yang diperlukan. Ini dapat dilakukan dengan mudah menggunakan remote control yang baik yang datang dengan televisi, dan dengan pergi melalui "pengaturan rinci" menu. Anda juga dapat nada menurunkan kecerahan gambar jika Anda ingin menyimpan sedikit daya ketika sedang digunakan, atau pergi penuh ledakan jika semua yang Anda pedulikan adalah memiliki gambar yang menakjubkan. Satusatunya minor setkembali bahwa beberapa pengguna mungkin menemukan adalah dengan layar keseragaman, tetapi juga cukup diabaikan, dan sebagian besar pengguna mungkin tidak akan peduli atau pemberitahuan that.This televisi merupakan pilihan yang menemukan jalan antara menjadi biaya efektif, dan juga menjadi hebat di kinerja depan. Memberikan besar (besar) gambar untuk pemirsa, dan melakukannya dengan fitur warna yang sangat mengesankan. Ini adalah aa mengatur bahwa

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Thursday, September 3, 2009


HandsetThe. Conform cumparatori Mulţi mi-a spus în acea zi de discutii Dosa pe aurikularis găsit. File Transfer, Push Objek, imprimare de bază, A2DP, set cu cască, port serial, Dial sebuah reţele de sprijin pentru SGH-P520 telefon fabricat de experienţă Samsung. Conexiunea USB de SGH-P520 Chipeş
Samsung PC Studio, mass-media, Mass Storage putra trei într-un mod icon.Stuff proxenet poate selecta din meniul care m-am bucurat USB P520, deoarece au frontalier la instalarea software-ului pentru USB, Odata conectat la computer imediat vedeţi pe ecranul computerului dvs. şi gata de lucru. Output Unggul 600 Kb / s este viteza de date connection.Memory, carduri de memorie de SGH-P520This dispozitivul este echipat cu o memorie de 61.5 MB Internasional, ceea ce este bun în comparaţie cu alte telefoane cukup de către unii producători în piaţa de telefonie mobilă. Pimp pot copia de pe cardul de memorie o yang, prin ajutorul manager de fişiere. Funcţionează cel mai bine cu un card de 2 GB de memorie microSD.
Casa de SGH-P520A 3.2Mpix este caracterizat de Samsung SGH-P520. Conditii de sunet, în funcţie de aparatul de fotografiat şi cukup lumină, în timp ce cei saraci, în funcţie de revers fapt este cazul. LED flash pentru a ajuta

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Distracţie şi să prezinte mai mult decât oricând înainte. De îndată ce a fost o distracţie Getares acum murdar şi foarte detaliate în mişcare de culori. Şi într-o încercare de a face acest lucru mai mult de o sederhana Televiziune, având în vedere posibilitatea de a oricărui dispozitiv USB la acest Yang port echipa Traves WISELINK conexiunea USB. Acum, poate tu chiar asculta melodiile favorite Yang Traves player-ul MP3 şi puteţi vedea fotografiile preferate atunci când vă conectaţi dispozitivul de memorie USB. Acest lucru este mult mai mult decât TV vă permite să urmăriţi filme şi amachine Programul este un portal complet de divertisment. Şi cu un preţ medii 2.700 dolari, primeşte un interes considerabil este în stare de art-machine.If de avion Televiziune doriti sa cumparati una noua, dar pe care doriţi să o face declaraţie şi să vă amuz şi familia ta, numai că există un fel de televiziune ar trebui să meargă pentru. Aceste televizoare au fost tehnologii Aktual care creează imagini mai avansate şi mai impresionant
putra sisteme de sunet la fel de impresionant. Din moment ce există atât de multe televizoare în piaţă astăzi poate fi dificil şi copleşitoare pentru a încerca să găsească Televiziune perfectă de avion. Dacă sunteţi în căutarea pentru TV, care poate deveni cu uşurinţă un secundar Nu a Televiziune avion atunci când

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Monday, August 24, 2009


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Particles As Tracers For Milky Way's Most Massive Explosions: 'Dark Matter' Origins Of Mysterious Flux Challenged

ScienceDaily (Aug. 19, 2009) — Astronomers recently observed a mysterious flux of particles in the universe, and the hope was born that this may be the first observation of the remnants of "dark matter".
See also:
Space & Time

* Dark Matter
* Astrophysics
* Stars

Matter & Energy

* Quantum Physics
* Physics
* Wind Energy


* Supergiant
* Blue supergiant star
* Red supergiant star
* Stellar evolution

But scientists from the University of Gothenburg, Sweden, have shown that there is another explanation of the flux.

Several independent studies recently discovered a mysterious flux of electrons and positrons in the universe. Several theories were presented that suggested that these particles arise from the decay of "dark matter" - the hypothetical material that is believed to influence the rotation of galaxies. Dark matter is one of the most challenging questions in astrophysics. An international research group with members from the University of Gothenburg has now published new results showing that the mysterious flux actually arises from exploding stars.

Supernova remnants

Julia Becker, from the Department of Physics at the University of Gothenburg, and her colleagues show in the article, which has been published in the scientific journal Physical Review Letters, that the mysterious particle flux is the remnant of a supernova, from a star that was 15 times more massive than the sun. This star died and exploded in the Milky Way. When a star of this mass dies, most of its material is ejected and ploughs a pathway through a massive, stellar wind. This wind has been created earlier in the death process, when the star lost part of its original mass. The wind blows away from the star, and the final definitive explosion of the star then drives new material through the previously established wind.

A shock-wave in space

Electrons and positrons are accelerated during the process and create a shock-wave, similar to that formed when an aeroplane breaks the sound barrier. Julia Becker and her colleagues show that it is just such a shock-wave that has created the observed particle flux that has astounded scientists.

"This means, I'm afraid, that scientists will have to find another method of identifying dark matter", says Julia Becker.

Journal reference:

1. P. L. Biermann, J. K. Becker, A. Meli, W. Rhode, E. S. Seo, and T. Stanev. Cosmic Ray Electrons and Positrons from Supernova Explosions of Massive Stars. Physical Review Letters on 7 August. URL: DOI:, 2009; DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.103.061101

Adapted from materials provided by University of Gothenburg.
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University of Gothenburg (2009, August 19). Particles As Tracers For Milky Way's Most Massive Explosions: 'Dark Matter' Origins Of Mysterious Flux Challenged. ScienceDaily. Retrieved August 24, 2009, from­ /releases/2009/08/090811143954.htm

V838 Monocerotis briefly became one of the brightest stars in our galaxy. Its outburst discovered in January 2002, observations have indicated that V838 is defying the conventional understanding of erupting stars and stellar life cycles. (Credit: NASA)
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To Understand The Universe, Science Calls On The Ultrasmall

ScienceDaily (Aug. 18, 2009) — Will the universe expand outward for all of eternity and end in a vast, dark, cold, sterile, diffuse nothingness? Or will the "Big Bang" — the gargantuan explosion that formed the universe 14 billion years ago — end in the "Big Crunch?" Planets, stars and galaxies all hurtle inward and collapse into an incredibly hot, dense mass a billion times smaller than the period at the end of this sentence. And then … KA-BOOOOM!!! Another Big Bang and another universe forms and hurtles outward, eventually leading to new iterations of the Sun, the Earth, and you?
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A special three-day symposium focusing on the weird subatomic particles that could help answer those compelling questions takes place in Washington, D.C., August 16-18 at the 238th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society (ACS).

Titled "The Chemistry and Physics of Neutrino Experiments," it will include almost two dozen reports on experiments to understand what Nobel Laureate Frederick Reines once termed "the most tiny quantity of reality ever imagined by a human being." Neutrinos ("small neutral ones") are among the subatomic, or elementary, particles that make up all matter. They have no electric charge, virtually no mass, and pass through ordinary matter without causing any disruption. Most neutrinos traveling through Earth come from the Sun, and trillions of solar electron neutrinos pass through every person each second. Although those properties make neutrinos difficult to detect, detecting and understanding them are key scientific pursuits, partly because of the implications for cosmology.

"The neutrino has the smallest observed mass for any elementary particle, but they appear in such astonishing numbers in the universe that they are a large portion of its mass," said Steven Elliott, Ph.D. He is a physicist at Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico. "At the moment, neutrinos may be massive enough to account for more mass in the universe than all stars combined."

Many of the ACS presentations focus on experiments to investigate these particles. Scientists are turning to huge devices — the MiniBooNE detector, the Super Kamiokande, the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory, the Borexino solar neutrino detector and the IceCube detector — that detect neutrinos using large volumes of liquids, like mineral oil, water or even the ice cap at the South Pole.

In the devices, scientists record the radiation of neutrinos generated from particle decay. The science and engineering laboratories must work deep underground to avoid cosmic rays and other ordinary background radiation, which would harm the experiments' results.

"Neutrino experiments are complicated undertakings that take years to design and construct and even longer to operate," says Richard Hahn, Ph.D., co-organizer of the ACS symposium and a scientist with Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) in Upton, N.Y. "The results tell us about fundamental physics, but developing the experiments is multidisciplinary, requiring expertise in physics but also other areas like organic, inorganic and nuclear chemistry."

Traveling near the speed of light, these tiny particles come in three varieties or "flavors," and they all routinely change from one type to another, a phenomenon known as oscillation. Because of their feeble interaction with all matter, understanding neutrinos and their effects on a universal scale has posed a challenge to nuclear chemists and physicists for decades.

Using these large detectors, scientists are looking to uncover some of the neutrino's basics. Elliott, for example, hopes to determine its mass using a technique called double beta decay. Previous research has determined a 'relative mass scale' of the neutrino, but a precise measurement is necessary to better understand the universe's development of structure, Elliott says.

Scientists are also trying to resolve the question of the universe's asymmetry — one of the greatest unsolved issues in physics, says Minfang Yeh, Ph.D., co-organizer of the ACS symposium and a scientist with Hahn at BNL. Almost everything observable from Earth seems to be made of matter, but based on experimental particle interactions, physicists believe that The Big Bang created equal amounts of matter and antimatter. Yeh imagines the apparent disappearance of antimatter could involve discrepancies in how neutrinos and anti-neutrino oscillate, or change flavors.

"Scientists think maybe the conversion mechanism could lead us to the understanding of the imbalance," Yeh said. "If there's a difference between a neutrino and an antineutrino, maybe theoretically that's one source of the asymmetry between matter and anti-matter in the universe." Yeh adds that neutrinos could be a solution to another mystery — dark matter, an energy that makes up almost one-quarter of the universe's mass. Like neutrinos, non-baryonic dark matter has virtually no interaction with ordinary matter. Unlike neutrinos, its existence hasn't been proven but is inferred by measuring the effects of its gravity.

One device that could probe the mystery of asymmetry is a proposed 500 kT Water Cherenkov detector. The massive detector will investigate differences between neutrinos and antineutrinos from 4,850-feet underground in South Dakota. Weighing 500 kilotons, it will detect neutrinos from a beam of particles sent from Fermilab's proton accelerator in Illinois.

Another device, Fermilab's MiniBooNE detector, records neutrino oscillations and consists of a 40-foot diameter spherical tank holding 800 tons of mineral oil. It is covered on the inside by 1,520 8-inch phototubes.
Adapted from materials provided by American Chemical Society, via EurekAlert!, a service of AAAS.
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American Chemical Society (2009, August 18). To Understand The Universe, Science Calls On The Ultrasmall. ScienceDaily. Retrieved August 24, 2009, from­ /releases/2009/08/090816170917.htm

Located two kilometers underground in a nickel mine in Ontario, the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory consists of a 12-meter-diameter acrylic vessel filled with 1,000 tons of ultrapure heavy water. It is surrounded by almost 10,000 light-sensitive photomultiplier tubes. (Credit: Minfang Yeh, Ph.D.)
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Possible Meteorite On Mars Imaged By Opportunity Rover

ScienceDaily (Aug. 6, 2009) — NASA's Opportunity rover has eyed an odd-shaped, dark rock, about 0.6 meters (2 feet) across on the surface of Mars, which may be a meteorite.
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The team spotted the rock called "Block Island," on July 18, 2009, in the opposite direction from which it was driving. The rover then backtracked some 250 meters (820 feet) to study it closer.

Scientists will be testing the rock with the alpha particle X-ray spectrometer to get composition measurements and to confirm if indeed it is a meteorite.
Adapted from materials provided by NASA/Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
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This image of "Block Island" was taken on July 28, 2009, with the front hazard-identification camera on NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity. (Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech)
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Integral Disproves Dark Matter Origin For Mystery Radiation

ScienceDaily (Aug. 2, 2009) — A team of researchers working with data from ESA’s Integral gamma-ray observatory has disproved theories that some form of dark matter explains mysterious radiation in the Milky Way.
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That this radiation exists has been known since the 1970s, and several theories have been proposed to explain it. Integral’s unprecedented spectral and spatial resolution showed that it strongly peaks towards the centre of the Galaxy, with an asymmetry along the Galactic disc.

Several researchers have invoked a variety of dark matter to explain Integral’s observations. Dark matter is thought to exist throughout the Universe – undetectable matter that differs from the normal material that makes up stars, planets and us. It is also believed to be present within and around the Milky Way, in the form of a halo.

The recent study has found that the ‘positrons’ fuelling the radiation are not produced from dark matter but from an entirely different, and much less mysterious, source: massive stars explode and leave behind radioactive elements that decay into lighter particles, including positrons, the antimatter counterparts of electrons.

The reasoning behind the original hypothesis was that positrons, being electrically charged, would be affected by magnetic fields and thus would not be able to travel far. As the radiation was observed in places that did not match the known distribution of stars, dark matter was invoked as an alternative for the origin of the positrons.

But the recent finding by a team of astronomers led by Richard Lingenfelter at the University of California at San Diego, proves otherwise. The astronomers show that the positrons formed by radioactive decay of elements left behind after explosions of massive stars are, in fact, able to travel great distances, with many leaving the thin Galactic disc.

Taking this into account, dark matter is no longer required to explain what Integral saw. A better understanding of how positrons behave has explained the mysterious radiation in our Galaxy.

Journal reference:

1. Lingenfelter, R.E., Higdon, J.C. Rothschild, R.E. Is There a Dark Matter Signal in the Galactic Positron Annihilation Radiation? Physical Review Letters, 2009; 103 (3): 031301 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.103.031301

Adapted from materials provided by European Space Agency.
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European Space Agency (2009, August 2). Integral Disproves Dark Matter Origin For Mystery Radiation. ScienceDaily. Retrieved August 24, 2009, from­ /releases/2009/08/090801122552.htm

Combining more than 4 years of observations, the inner Galaxy has been mapped in the 511 keV positron annihilation line with unprecedented detail as shown above using the SPI spectrometer. For the first time, positron annihilation is found to be asymmetric in the inner Galactic disk. Consistent with earlier findings, the annihilation emission is brightest around the Galactic centre. In the sky maps, the Galactic centre is at the origin and the Galactic disk runs along the equator. (Credit: ESA/ INTEGRAL/ MPE (G. Weidenspointner et al.))
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